Hazel in Rwanda

'Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined.'

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Houston, I think we’ve got a ploblem.

Something that you quickly realise here is that for Rwandans (as well as across many African countries apparently), ‘L’s and ‘R’s are pretty inter-changeable, and sound similar to the French 'rrrr'. Within everyday conversation this can cause confusion, tongue-twisters and occasional hirarity! Ironic in a country called R-wanda… often just known as Wanda! So I have friends here known as Frorence, shortened to Frola (Flora) and Emery becomes Emily!

In college, where my students love sport, I’m never really sure whether they are learning or running, and at runch time we all sit down to merange.
And I once had a conversation with a friend at completely cross purposes:

Me:  Are you coming to the party?
Him: No, I’m praying.

Me: How was church?

Him: Eh? I was praying football with my fliends?

Weekends are sometimes spent in Chigari (‘K’s are also sometimes exchanged for ‘Ch’), where I am often asked about the Crime-rate back home (climate)! Confusing until you work this one out!

I was laughing about the L/R thing with a friend a few weekends ago and comparing funny stories whilst having a beer (Plimus) and eating Plingles!  She has a friend who had actually texted her that he had a ‘ploblem’…so the confusion even extends to writing/texting. However, I quite liked my favourite example of an evening spent with a friend discussing Somalian pilots! Hirarious!

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